Living Seasonally: What to Eat in Fall and Winter

With the change of seasons, it’s natural that our energy levels and sleep will be impacted. But it doesn’t mean we should be exhausted all the time, or be sleeping poorly. Are you looking for a way to boost your energy naturally? Feel grounded? Experience more balance? The key is to live in harmony with the season we’re in, and that begins with the foods we consume.

It’s Fall now in the pacific northwest, and as the temperatures drop, it's time to switch up our routines, the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, and the beverages we consume.

Just like we wear warmer clothing to keep warm, our food should change as well. Eating what's fresh and in season, instead of the same boxed or canned goods that are available all year long, will keep us feeling just as fresh and vibrant as the ever changing world around us. When we eat seasonally, we get back into alignment with ourselves (because we are nature...remember!?).

It's time to NOURISH, ground, go inward, snuggle up & keep warm.

Before you go to the grocery store, consider what recipes and meals you could make that are:

  • Warm/cooked - it's not time for salads and raw foods. Instead consider soups, steamed veggies, baked dishes, hot teas, and other warming foods.

  • Well spiced - Yes, it is time to use your spice cabinet! A couple of spices include cumin, coriander, cinnamon, chilis, cayenne, hing (asafoetida), cinnamon, clove, cardamom, black pepper, turmeric ginger (fresh & dried), anise, paprika

  • Nourishing meals - instead of cleansing start focusing on nourishing yourself with healthy fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates.

Specific food items you’ll want to add to your menu and shopping list:

  1. Root veggies & Gourds: potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, all kinds of squash & pumpkin

  2. Cruciferous veggies: broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower

  3. Winter greens: kale, chard, collards, spinach, bok choy, pak choy, mustard greens, arugula, parsley, cilantro

  4. Beans & Hearty grains: Mung, kidney, basmati rice, brown rice, oats, quinoa, amaranth, wheat

  5. Warming/hearty oils: ghee, raw sesame oil, avocado oil, olive oil

  6. Fruits: apples (cooked), pears, persimmons, pomegranates, bananas, dates, lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, raisins (soaked), prunes (soaked), avocados

  7. Fermented foods: miso, sauerkraut, kimchi

  8. Warming spices: cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, clove, cardamom, turmeric, saffron, black pepper, allspice, paprika, cumin, mustard seeds, oregano, bay leaf, basil, rosemary

  9. Nuts & seeds: almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds

  10. Sugars: raw honey, maple, molasses

As much as it's important to add seasonal foods, there are some specific foods you will want to avoid during this time to support your energy.

A few to avoid:

  • Cold/Bubbly Beverages

  • Cold Food (salads, raw vegetables, eating food straight out of the fridge)

  • Ice Cream - I know… but indulge in some hot cocoa or golden milk!

If you can get to a farmers market near you, you’ll be able to get fresh, local, organic food that's IN SEASON. This helps us stay connected both to the current season we’re in and to the farmers growing our food. Eating seasonally is a simple practice that aids in our nourishment, health, wellness, and connection to the world around us.

Interested in getting one-on-one support with improving your energy levels and sleep? Schedule a complimentary call with me.