Kapha Dosha - Understanding Your Body’s Symptoms
There are three main Mind-Body types in Ayurveda which are known as “Doshas”. Kapha Dosha is the constitution of water and earth. Once...

Pitta Dosha - Understanding Your Body’s Symptoms
There are three main Mind-Body types in Ayurveda which are known as “Doshas”. Pitta Dosha is the constitution of fire and water. Once you...

Vata Dosha - Understanding Your Body’s Symptoms
There are three main Mind-Body types in Ayurveda which are known as doshas. Vata dosha is the constitution of ether (space) and air...

How to Reset after the Holidays
First and foremost, the best way to reset is to simplify. There’s so much excess during the holidays, so in order to release that, we...

The Pillars of Health
There are a few fundamental practices that will help to stabilize your health and keep you feeling good for the long haul. If you can get...

Winter Solstice ~ Traversing the Darkness
The darkest day of the year is here (Winter solstice). Afterwards, more and more light will filter in with each coming day. W𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧...

Ayurvedic Evening Rituals
[The importance of 𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 (especially when dealing with anxiety & depression)] Creating a morning and evening routine is one of...

Ayurvedic Morning Rituals
[The importance of 𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 (especially when dealing with anxiety & depression)] Creating a morning and evening routine is one of...

How to Reduce Stress, Sleep Better, and Heal Yourself Naturally
There are so many trends about diet and lifestyle, endlessly pouring into pop culture--the end-all, cure-all, be-all of diets. Keto,...

Emotional Eating and the Holidays
Holidays can be intense. This year has a whole other layer of intensity with corona virus and everything being on pause. If you’re...